Hispanohablantes (ALO)

Para los niños

Cuento Bilingüe!

El bibliotecario John lee "¿Dónde está Spot?" a un invitado de cuentos bilingüe. (Librarian John reads "¿Dónde está Spot?" to a bilingual storytime attendee.)

Las familias o adultos al cuidado de niños pequeños disfrutarán una gran variedad de historias, canciones, rimas y actividades corporales mientras desarrollan habilidades que preparan a los niños para la lectura en inglés y español.

Families or adults caring for young children will enjoy a wide variety of stories, songs, rhymes, and body activities while developing skills that prepare children for reading in English and Spanish.

Tumble Book Library

Tumble Book Library Logo

TumbleBookLibrary ofrece más de 1100 títulos para grados K-6, incluyendo libros animados, capítulos, no ficción, novelas gráficas, listas de reproducción y libros en español y francés.

TumbleBookLibrary offers more than 1,100 titles for grades K-6, including flip books, chapter books, nonfiction, graphic novels, playlists, and books in Spanish and French.

Kanopy Kids

Kanopy Kids Logo

Obtenga acceso gratuito a películas y programas de televisión para niños a través de Kanopy Kids. ¡Proporcionan toneladas de excelentes medios en español e inglés!

Gain free access to movies and TV shows for kids through Kanopy Kids. They provide tons of great media in Spanish and English!

Canciones y Rimas para niños en español

La mejor manera de desarrollar las habilidades de alfabetización temprana con sus hijos es hablando, cantando, leyendo, escribiendo y jugando con ellos. En estos videos usted y su hijo podrán cantar y aprender nuevas rimas mientras se divierten.

The best way to develop Early literacy Skills with your children is to talk, sing, read, write and play with them. Engage your children by watching these videos, singing along, learning new rhymes and just having fun!

Community Resources

AACC English Basic Skills Classes

Anne Arundel Community College Logo

Anne Arundel Community College offers free English Basic Skills classes for students 18 or older who are just beginning to study English. Classes address listening, speaking, reading and writing skills that are used for work and everyday life.

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Amica: Center for Immigrant Rights

Amica: Center for Immigrant Rights Logo

We fight for the rights, safety, and unity of immigrant communities, standing with those trapped in our nation’s fundamentally flawed immigration system.

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Annapolis Immigration Justice Network

Annapolis Immigration Justice Network Logo

Founded in April 2017, AIJN is a volunteer supported organization dedicated to connecting asylum seekers and other vulnerable immigrants to quality legal counsel and direct case management support. Our partners include law schools, legal firms and legal defense groups, faith organizations, and the business community.

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Anne Arundel County Office of Multicultural Affairs

Anne Arundel County Resources Logo

The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) connected with multicultural communities in Anne Arundel County to connect, inform, and elevate the county’s diverse voices. 410-222-0319

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Casa de Maryland

Casa de Maryland Logo

For decades, CASA has been advocating for legislative change in the Maryland General Assembly. CASA's policy team works to ensure that immigrant voices are heard and amplified in Annapolis. From annual lobby events with legislators, to tireless organizing efforts, CASA is committed to moving forward meaningful immigration reform in Maryland.

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Center of Help (Centro de Ayuda)

Center of Help logo

A one-stop resource center that assists immigrants in overcoming challenges, navigating systems, and achieving self-sufficiency to break cycles of poverty.

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Research Resources

Brainfuse - HelpNow

Brainfuse - HelpNow logo

Brainfuse offers live tutoring, skills building, foreign language lab, writing lab with live writing assistance, a test center offering practice quizzes for standardized tests, and much more.

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Kanopy Kids

Kanopy Kids

Kids streaming video from PBSKids, Highlights, Little Pim, and more. Checkouts from Kanopy Kids do not require Kanopy play credits.

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Mango Languages

Mango Languages

Mango Languages is an online language-learning system teaching actual conversation skills for over 70 languages.

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Newspapers by ProQuest

Newspapers by Proquest

Search hundreds of newspapers from around the world.

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