Location Details
5940 Deale-Churchton Road, Deale, MD 20751
(410) 222-1925
Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 8 pm
Friday - Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm
On Deale-Churchton Road (Rt.256), 3 miles south of Muddy Creek Road (Rt. 468), 1/2 mile south of the circle at Bay Front Road (Rt. 258).
Meet With A Social Worker
A licensed social worker is available to meet with individuals and families at this location. The social worker will be on-site to connect customers with county and state resources available for financial assistance, immigration help, substance abuse counseling and more. Find more information and a schedule here.
This service is provided through a partnership with the Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services.
Thursdays from 10 am - 4 pm
Call Nicole Fogg, LCSW-C, at 410-421-8306 for an appointment.
- Computers for public use with internet access and Microsoft Office
- Indoor and outdoor wifi
- Printing and wireless printing
- Copying, scanning and faxing
Please call or email for more information about technology at this location.
What's Happening at Deale Library
We now loan fishing rods!
We are proud to host a Caring Cupboard with free pantry items outside our branch. We welcome community members to take what they need and donate what they can.
Upcoming Events
With Natalie Goldberg's guidelines and a set of guided writing prompts, we write.
Sharing is optional.
There is no critiquing, commenting, or suggestions made.
Babies from birth to 18 months (with caring adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes and playtime while building early literacy skills. A great way to get to know other families in your community!
Explore and experience the shows, music, and cultures of East Asia. All fans are welcome: lovers of Kpop and Jpop, of anime and K-dramas, history buffs and pop-culture savants; new and experienced fans alike are welcome!
Food Allergies
We cannot guarantee that food served at library programs has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.
Alergias Alimentarias: La Biblioteca no puede garantizar que la comida servida en los programas no ha estado en contacto con las nueces de árbol, la soya, u otros alérgenos.
SoCo Book Chat is book club without the book! Chat about a book you've read and hear about great books that others have enjoyed. In partnership with SoCo Book Chat Group.
Author Talk: From Yeomanettes to Fighter Jets: A Century of Women in the U.S. Navy
Preschool Storytime
Children ages three to five (with caring adult) build the early literacy skills needed for school readiness through engaging books, songs and activities.
Outdoor Wi-Fi Available at This Library
The library now offers outdoor Wi-Fi. Customers may access the internet even when the library is closed.