Morningstar Investment Research Center

Investment information and analysis covering stocks and mutual funds. Comparable to the Morningstar premium subscription. Please use this resource with the Google Chrome browser.
Investment information and analysis covering stocks and mutual funds. Comparable to the Morningstar premium subscription. Please use this resource with the Google Chrome browser.
MVA permit test practice you can trust. The site offers MVA practice tests that simulate the real thing. Study questions for driving cars, motorcycles, or commercial vehicles.
Young students can find authoritative information from National Geographic Kids magazine, videos and photos. Topics include animals, science, social studies, history and more.
Listen to streaming classical music, jazz, and folk, along with some pop & rock.
Provides full-text access to major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. News also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts, and transcripts.
Historical newspaper images from United States newspapers, including The Capital, from 1877 – 2024.
Search for children's fiction and nonfiction titles by author, plot, read-alikes, curriculum, and more.
Journal and magazine articles focused on nursing and related fields. A subset of Gale Power Search.
Books and video courses in areas such as information technology and software, business, digital media, professional and personal development, and desktop/web applications.
Thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines are available to borrow right from your computer or mobile device. Download the Libby app or read on your Kindle.
Includes Peterson's™ college and graduate school directories, SAT, AP, citizenship, TOEFL & civil service online practice tests, other practice test preparation eBooks, a resume builder, financial aid, and scholarship information.
Search through a comprehensive collection of content from many of our Library Exclusive resources. Includes subject indexes and access to full-text articles from thousands of journals, magazines, and newspapers.