Kids streaming video from PBSKids, Highlights, Little Pim, and more. Checkouts from Kanopy Kids do not require Kanopy play credits.
More Details
New to Kanopy?
- Visit AACPL's Kanopy page and click the orange "Add Library Card" button.
- You'll be asked to enter your library card number and PIN. You'll only need to do this once.
- Create a unique login with your email address and a password. Note: You will be asked to confirm that you are 13 or older.
- A verification email will be sent to the email address you've provided.
- Once you've verified your email, you'll be ready to watch!
- Need help? For library card number or PIN requests, please contact us. For questions about the Kanopy platform or apps, please visit the Kanopy Help Center. If the Kanopy Help Center does not provide the help you need, please contact Kanopy's support via email at support@kanopy.com.
About Kanopy
- Library cardholders can borrow up to 10 movies per month from Kanopy (Kanopy Kids checkouts are not counted against this number).
- Once borrowed, you can view the movie an unlimited number of times within a 72 hour period.
- Titles are always available -- no wait times!
- Many Kanopy films include noncommercial public performance rights for library borrowers. Educators are invited to show these Kanopy films in class! To see if a film offers public performance rights, complete a search on Kanopy and select "Public Performance Rights" from the limiters on the left side of your search results screen.
- Desktop browsers supported by Kanopy.
- You can watch Kanopy films via their website, or through apps available for iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku.
- Kanopy is also compatible for hearing (with captions and transcripts) and visually-impaired customers (compatible with technologies such as JAWS).
Resource Type