Meeting Room Policy

(En Español: Política de las Salas de Reuniones)

The primary function of the library meeting rooms is to provide space for library-sponsored and co-sponsored programs and educational, civic and community-oriented activities. The library reserves the right to attend any events and meetings held in its facilities (except lawful executive sessions of government bodies) to verify that no illegal activities are taking place on the library’s premises and to ensure that library policies are being followed. Meetings may be closed to the public pursuant to the Maryland Open Meetings Act. As a community service, the Anne Arundel County Public Library (AACPL, or “the Library”) welcomes the use of its meeting rooms for public gatherings by groups who agree to abide by the Library’s Code of Conduct and whose activities will not adversely affect library operations.

Meeting rooms may not be used for purely social activities such as parties or entertainment, for fundraising, nor for commercial activities involving sales or financial transactions.

All events in the meeting rooms must be open to the public.


Reservations: Meeting rooms are reserved using the Library’s online reservation service.

The meeting rooms are only available during Library operating hours and all groups must vacate the room 15 minutes prior to closing time.

Groups may book only one room for no more than once a month at any individual branch location.

Groups should notify the library as soon as possible if a meeting is canceled. Groups with two “no shows” in a calendar year will not be permitted further reservations for one year.

The person booking the meeting room must be at least 18 years of age.


Groups are responsible for setting up the rooms and should include time for set up and take down into their reservation time. If a group has not arrived within 30 minutes of their scheduled time, the reservation will be cancelled and counted as a “no show”.

Rooms may be available to walk ins. Groups are responsible for making their meeting accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Groups are responsible for following food safety regulations.

Groups may not affix any item to walls or other fixtures in the meeting room without the express permission of the branch manager or supervisor in charge.

Rooms must be left in the same condition as they are found.


Groups may not identify AACPL as a sponsor or use the Library phone number/mailing address as the contact information for the organization. Groups wishing to display their own signage may do so one hour before their meeting and must remove their signage immediately following the meeting. No program may be broadcast or televised without permission from the Library Chief Executive Officer.

All printed materials such as flyers or posters, online content or social media publicizing meetings at the Library must contain the following disclaimer: “Use of the library meeting space does not constitute an endorsement of the program/meeting or its content by Anne Arundel County Public Library.”


At the beginning of each meeting, the person in charge of the meeting must make sure all interior doors leading from the meeting room are unlocked and call attention to the number and location of exits from the meeting room.

Open fire is not permitted in the Library, including the use of candles.

If children under the age of 18 are in attendance, there must be at least two adults aged 18 or older present in the meeting room at all times. Glass walled meeting or study rooms are exempt from this requirement.


When AACPL or a branch library closes due to emergency, every effort will be made to notify groups scheduled to use the meeting room. When adverse weather is forecast, group representatives should monitor the AACPL website at for unscheduled closings.


No money may be collected except for dues, tuition or material fees for education courses or registration fees for conferences and/or events held in cooperation with the library.

No admission fees may be charged, and no products or services may be sold.

Alcoholic beverages are only permitted for Library Foundation events approved by the Library CEO.


User knows, understands and acknowledges the risks and hazards associated with using the Library's meeting rooms and hereby assume any and all risks and hazards associated therewith. User hereby irrevocably waives any and all claims against the Anne Arundel County Public Library, the Local Government or any of its officials, employees or agents for any bodily injury (including death), loss or property damage incurred by the User as a result of using the Library's meeting rooms and hereby irrevocably releases and discharges the Library, the Local Government and any of its officials, employees or agents from any and all claims of liability arising out of or associated with the use of the Library's meeting rooms.


User shall indemnify and hold harmless the Library, Local Government and its officials, employees and agents from and against any and all liabilities, judgments, settlements, losses, costs or charges (including attorneys' fees) incurred by the Library, Local Government or any of its officials, employees or agents as a result of any claim, demand, action or suit relating to any bodily injury (including death), loss of property damage cause by, arising out of, related to or associated with the use of the Library's meeting rooms by the User or by the User's members, employees, agents or invitees.


User shall pay the Library and/or the Local Government for any and all physical loss or damage to the Property (including the cost to repair or replace the property) caused by, arising out of, relating to or associated with the use of the Library's meeting rooms by the User or by the User's members, employees, agents or invitees



Last Updated Date
Policy Audience