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It's a book club without the book! Chat about a book you've read and hear about great books that others have enjoyed.
Attorney Nicole T. Livingston of Council Baradel will present on “Estate Planning Essentials.” She will discuss the differences between Wills and Trusts, Power of Attorney, Medical Directives and more.
Preschool Storytime
Children ages three to five (with caring adult) build the early literacy skills needed for school readiness through engaging books, songs and activities.
Babies in Bloom
Babies from birth to 18 months (with caring adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes and playtime while building early literacy skills. A great way to get to know other families in your community!
Babies at Play
Babies from birth to 18 months (with caring adult) may enjoy books, music and a variety of developmentally appropriate toys during this hour of unstructured social time.