Anne Arundel County Public Library is here to support students at every stage of their education, including homeschoolers. The following resources provide more information for those members of the homeschooling community. A library card is a gateway to the resources and tools you need to make the most of learning from home.

- AACPS Home Instruction Information AACPS supports home instruction in accordance with the Code of Maryland Regulations known as COMAR.
- MSDE Homeschool Regulations Find information on COMAR regulations, resources and videos.
- MSDE Home Instruction Fact Sheet (FAQ) Frequently asked questions regarding Home Instruction in Maryland.
- MSDE Local Home Schooling Coordinators Listing of local Home Schooling Coordinators in the state of Maryland.

- Wifi Hotspots Borrow a hotspot for internet access anywhere with a mobile phone signal.
- How-to Videos show how to use some of our digital resources and pages.
- Educator's Library Card The Educator's Library Card allows teachers, homeschool families and other educators to supplement their curriculum with an abundant, ever-changing supply of books on a range of subjects and reading levels. Teachers can create temporary classroom collections as well as encourage reading in the classroom.
- Educating at Home Quick Tips and Resources Download and print a quick reference guide to the most helpful library resources.

- Maryland Homeschool Association Grown from years of grassroots advocacy efforts, the Maryland Homeschool Association is a loosely knit group of volunteers. MDHSA seeks to understand the unique needs of Maryland homeschool families.
- Hand in Hand Education Great resource for getting started with homeschooling.

- Visit your nearest library location to browse the collection or talk to a librarian.
- Library Accessibility Services: Check out a C-Pen Reader, explore our Large Print collection (which includes materials for adults, children and teens) and visit other local resources:
Upcoming Events
Homeschool Lunch & Recess
Homeschool Lunch & Recess
Bring your lunch and enjoy games and activities with your friends.
Homeschool Hangout
Calling all homeschoolers! Explore a different subject every week with fun games, STEM, reading, writing, crafts, and tons of other activities! All ages are welcome!
Food Allergies
We cannot guarantee that food served at library programs has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.
Alergias Alimentarias: La Biblioteca no puede garantizar que la comida servida en los programas no ha estado en contacto con las nueces de árbol, la soya, u otros alérgenos.
Homeschool Art Club
Homeschool students are invited to engage in fun and creative art projects to master their artistic skills and try something new!
Homeschool Teen Time
Hang out with other homeschool teens as we play a variety of games, try out some cool library technology, and more!

- Brainfuse offers live tutoring, skills building, foreign language lab, writing lab with live writing assistance, a test center offering practice quizzes for standardized tests and much more.
- ABCMouse With 3,500+ interactive books, educational games, puzzles and other learning activities, this award-winning online curriculum is an invaluable resource for young learners (ages 2-8+).
- EBooks
- Digital Reference Resources:

- Rosetta Stone Improve your English or learn another language. An effective, easy-to-use program that allows you to learn a new language on your own time.
- Mango Languages is an online language-learning system teaching actual conversation skills for over 70 languages.
- Handspeak Get started with American Sign Language with this free resource. Includes ASL dictionary and tutorials.