Educator's Resources

Man at laptop
  • Books, Movies, Music, and More!
    Find materials in our Library Catalog that you can use in your classroom or to support virtual learning. Can’t find something in our collection? Try Marina and InterLibrary Loan
  • eBooks and More
    Find digital books, music, magazines, and movies to support your students.
    • Educator Tip: Many films in our Kanopy collection come with public performance rights - no need to pay a licensing fee to show these movies in your classroom!
    • Find digital copies of your favorite books, including interactive picture books on Tumblebooks and DK reference books.
  • Student Center
    Find databases and other Premium Resources in our Student Center. There is free online language learning with Rosetta Stone & Mango Languages. LinkedIn Learning & Udemy offer free online professional development, video classes, and more.
    Anne Arundel County Public Library is dedicated to assisting children of all ages improve their STEAM abilities by offering STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) programs at all 16 of our library locations!
  • Student Resources Flyer (Traducción al español disponible pronto)
    Print only handout with information about SAIL and a list of homework and other resources offered by the library.
  • TAAAC - Tutor Pool
    Students can find a tutor using the Teachers’ Association of Anne Arundel County Tutor Pool.
Educator at whiteboard writing
  • Educator's Library Card
    The Educator's Library Card allows teachers, homeschool families, and other educators to supplement their curriculum with an abundant, ever-changing supply of books on a range of subjects and reading levels. Teachers can create temporary classroom collections as well as encourage reading in the classroom.
  • SAIL Accounts (Student Library Cards)
    Information about the Library's SAIL (Student Access to Improved Learning) accounts for Anne Arundel County Public School (AACPS) students.
  • Get a Library Card
    Sign up for library card online or in person.
Outreach image showing an outreach event with kids and a mascot
Librarian working curbside pickup table with mask on


Paperwork and pencils
Colorful logo featuring the word "LEAP" and the phrase "World Language Learning" with an open book at the center. Surrounding imagery includes cultural symbols like flags, globes, and landmarks. The acronym "AACPS" is displayed prominently at the bottom. The background is a solid light blue.
  • Language Learning
    This course is available to all employees in all bargaining units, ensuring that everyone in Anne Arundel County Public Schools has the opportunity to enhance their language skills with free access to Mango Languages and other language learning resources through Anne Arundel County Public Library.
  • Professional Development
    This course is designed to be a sustained learning journey, awarding professional development points incrementally for each chapter completed. This ensures you gain and retain proficiency over time. As you complete each chapter, you will earn credit towards your Maryland State professional licensure, making your learning journey directly beneficial to your professional advancement. Course credits will be tallied annually in June based on the school year.