Brainfuse - HelpNow

Brainfuse offers live tutoring, skills building, foreign language lab, writing lab with live writing assistance, a test center offering practice quizzes for standardized tests, and much more.

Get started with American Sign Language with this free resource. Includes ASL dictionary and tutorials.
Mango Languages

Mango Languages is an online language-learning system teaching actual conversation skills for over 70 languages.
Rosetta Stone Library Solution

December 5, 2024 -- Swahili, Urdu, Pashto and Dari are no longer available via Rosetta Stone. These languages are all available to learn on Mango instead.

Translate words from one language to another, look up definitions, and conjugate verbs for several languages.
Upcoming Events
Women's History Spanish Bilingual Storytime / La Hora del Cuento Bilingüe en Español Celebrando el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer
Women's History Spanish Bilingual Storytime / La Hora del Cuento Bilingüe en Español Celebrando el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer
Celebrate Women's History Month with a fun bilingual storytime for preschoolers! Children will enjoy stories, songs, rhymes and activities while building ready-to-read skills in English and Spanish. No prior Spanish needed to enjoy!
Bilingual Storytime/Hora del Cuento Bilingüe
Bilingual Storytime/Hora del Cuento Bilingüe
Bilingual Storytime
Young children will enjoy stories, songs, rhymes and activities while building ready to read skills in English and in Spanish / Los niños pequeños disfrutarán de historias, canciones, rimas y actividades mientras desarrollan habilidades de lectura en inglés y en español.
Spanish Bilingual Storytime / La Hora del Cuento Bilingüe en Español
Spanish Bilingual Storytime / La Hora del Cuento Bilingüe en Español
Bilingual Storytime
Young children will enjoy stories, songs, rhymes and activities while building ready to read skills in English and in Spanish / Los niños pequeños disfrutarán de historias, canciones, rimas y actividades mientras desarrollan habilidades de lectura en inglés y en español.