211 Maryland - Find Free Tax Assistance in Maryland

Find free or low-cost tax preparation services, for eligible Maryland residents. Plus, get information on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
Find free or low-cost tax preparation services, for eligible Maryland residents. Plus, get information on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
Call the Resource Line for assistance with all basic needs including housing, food security, resources for parents and kinship care providers, family navigation and more.
Phone: 1-800-485-0041 or email srbroc@aacounty.org.
Anne Arundel Community College offers free English Basic Skills classes for students 18 or older who are just beginning to study English. Classes address listening, speaking, reading and writing skills that are used for work and everyday life.
This program provides support to adults with disabilities to live and work independently in their own communities. Services are tailored to support each person to live, work, socialize, and to encourage the highest level of participation of each person in their community.
The resource and advocacy organization by and for people with disabilities in Anne Arundel & Howard Counties in Maryland.
Instructions and forms from the Maryland Attorney General for creating your own advanced directive (sometimes called a Living Will) and preparing for future health care decisions.
A review of Anne Arundel County's Inventory of Historic Properties was undertaken in 2017, which found that only around 7% of the Inventory were documented as having an African American component. This disparity between our Inventory, the tool that allows for preservation during the development process, and the breadth of contributions to the County's history by African Americans was striking and warranted a response to ensure fairer representation and diversity in support of the County's historic preservation efforts.
Annapolis area Alcoholics Anonymous chapter.
Baltimore area Alcoholics Anonymous chapter. Also serves Northern Anne Arundel County.
The American Association of People with Disabilities works to increase the political and economic power of people with disabilities.
We fight for the rights, safety, and unity of immigrant communities, standing with those trapped in our nation’s fundamentally flawed immigration system.
Anne Arundel Community College’s Andrew G. Truxal Library provides resources on the history and culture of Maryland and Anne Arundel County.
Annapolis City permit and license applications and other general information.
Information on Annapolis government and services, as well as business, tourist, and general city information.
Founded in April 2017, AIJN is a volunteer supported organization dedicated to connecting asylum seekers and other vulnerable immigrants to quality legal counsel and direct case management support. Our partners include law schools, legal firms and legal defense groups, faith organizations, and the business community.
Annapolis City elections, voting, city laws, permits and regulations information.
Annapolis location of the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs.
For assistance after hours, weekends, and holidays call: 1-877-WAR-VETS (1-877-927-8387)
A website with a calendar of events and links to county history resources. The Ann Arrundell County Historical Society was founded in 1962 by nine members of the local community dedicated to preserving and promoting the County’s historical resources.