Career Center

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Unemployment Assistance through JobNow - Receive live expert assistance navigating the unemployment benefits process.

Unemployment Insurance FAQs for Federal Employees - Maryland Department of Labor information for federal employees seeing information about unemployment benefits.

Anne Arundel Community College Career Coach - Anne Arundel Community College's center for career discovery. Build your resume using their Resume Builder, available when you create a free account.

Maryland Division of Unemployment Insurance - Information and application for unemployment filing in Maryland.

Maryland Workers Impacted by Federal Actions - State of Maryland site for Maryland workers affected by Federal actions, including legal, unemployment, and job searching.

Resources for Maryland’s Former Federal Employees and Other Workers Impacted by the Federal Government Transition - MD Department of Labor website providing information on unemployment insurance benefits, career guidance and reemployment support.

Maryland Jobs Resources - State of Maryland website with resources for job seekers and employees, including professional licensing, legal rights and disability services.

Brainfuse JobNow - Live chat resume assistance, interview coaching, unemployment benefits assistance, and job coaching from 2 pm to 11 pm EST. Library card required

LinkedIn Learning - Video courses taught by industry-recognized experts to help you learn technology, creative, and business skills. LinkedIn Learning can be accessed in a web browser or applications for tablets and smartphones. Library card required

O'Reilly for Public Libraries - Books and video courses in areas such as information technology and software, business, digital media, professional and personal development, and desktop/web applications. Library card required.

Maryland Apprenticeship Locator - Department of Labor site dedicated to connecting job seekers and students with apprenticeships.

Peterson's Test Prep - Resources to help prepare for the GED, vocational tests and more. Includes career exploration resources, a resume builder, and courses to brush up on foundational skills. Library card required.

Udemy - Offers over 6000 courses in the areas of business, tech, and personal development across 75+ different categories. Library card required.

Anne Arundel County Office of Personnel - Features employment opportunities, employee and retiree resources, forms, publications, and more.

Maryland Workforce Exchange - Maryland Department of Labor site dedicated to connecting employers with job seekers.

Capital Gazette Employment Classifieds - Capital Gazette Job Search by field. 

State of Maryland Job Openings - Job opportunities in Maryland State government.

Washington Post Jobs - Jobs advertisements listed in the Washington Post.

Work at the Library - Current job opening at the Anne Arundel County Public Library.

Career Development Booklist

Additional Jobs & Unemployment Resources

Abilities Network: Community and Employment Partners

AN Seeing Abilities Not Disabilities

This program provides support to adults with disabilities to live and work independently in their own communities. Services are tailored to support each person to live, work, socialize, and to encourage the highest level of participation of each person in their community.

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Accessible Resources for Independence

Logo: Accessible Resources for Independence. Center for Independent Living.

The resource and advocacy organization by and for people with disabilities in Anne Arundel & Howard Counties in Maryland.

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Annapolis Vet Center

U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs logo


Annapolis location of the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs. 

For assistance after hours, weekends, and holidays call: 1-877-WAR-VETS (1-877-927-8387)

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Additional Career Development Resources

Adult Learning Center

Adult Learning Center

Powered by Brainfuse. Tools to prepare for citizenship and high-school equivalency exams, live tutors to help with Microsoft Office, Excel or Powerpoint, writing experts to assist you in perfecting your resume, and much more.

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Data Axle Reference Solutions

Data Axle Reference Solutions

Detailed records for millions of U.S. businesses and consumers. Conduct job searches; find sales leads, business opportunities and suppliers; locate out-of-town companies; track down addresses and phone numbers; and conduct market research.

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Entrepreneurship (Gale OneFile)

Entrepreneurship (Gale OneFile)

Search this database to learn how to start, finance, or manage your small business. Resources include sample business plans, how-to guides, articles, and websites.

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LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning

Video courses taught by industry-recognized experts to help you learn technology, creative, and business skills. LinkedIn Learning can be accessed in a web browser or applications for tablets and smartphones.

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O'Reilly for Public Libraries

OReilly for Public Libraries

Books and video courses in areas such as information technology and software, business, digital media, professional and personal development, and desktop/web applications.

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Peterson's Test & Career Prep

Peterson's Test and Career Prep

Includes Peterson's™ college and graduate school directories, SAT, AP, citizenship, TOEFL & civil service online practice tests, other practice test preparation eBooks, a resume builder, financial aid, and scholarship information.

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Offers over 6000 courses in the areas of business, tech, and personal development across 75+ different categories.

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Vocations & Careers (Gale OneFile)

Gale OneFile: Vocations and Careers

Journal and magazine articles focused on vocational guidance, careers, and related fields.

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