Research Resources
Data Axle Reference Solutions

Detailed records for millions of U.S. businesses and consumers. Conduct job searches; find sales leads, business opportunities and suppliers; locate out-of-town companies; track down addresses and phone numbers; and conduct market research.
Morningstar Investment Research Center

Investment information and analysis covering stocks and mutual funds. Comparable to the Morningstar premium subscription. Please use this resource with the Google Chrome browser.
Value Line

Timely stock information & advice on stocks, the market, industries, and the economy.
State and Local Resources
Anne Arundel County Budget Office

Anne Arundel County's Budget Office website focuses on operating and capital budgets, long term goals, and Spending Affordability Committee reports.
Anne Arundel County Directory of Minority & Woman-Owned Businesses

Directory of Minority & Woman-Owned Businesses within Anne Arundel County, available to search and download.
Anne Arundel County Economic Development Corporation

Support for businesses located in Anne Arundel County. Includes Disaster Assistance FAQs with details on available financial assistance, cybersecurity issues, etc.
Upcoming Events
Social Security benefits play a vital role in retirement income. Many individuals are unaware of the different benefits and collection strategies available.
Join us each week to learn how to manage your money!
This week's topics are "How Much do you Need for Retirement", "Retirement Calculator", and "Retirement Income and Expense Worksheet".
Attorney Nicole T. Livingston of Council Baradel will discuss the differences between wills and trusts, powers of attorney, medical directives, and more.
Join us each week to learn how to manage your money!
This week's topic is "Estate Planning 101".
Are you prepared for the future? Join us for Estate Planning 101, where we’ll guide you through the basics of protecting your legacy, ensuring your wishes are honored, and securing your family’s financial future.
Are you prepared for the future? Join us for Estate Planning 101, where we’ll guide you through the basics of protecting your legacy, ensuring your wishes are honored, and securing your family’s financial future.
More Library Exclusive Resources
Business (Gale OneFile)

Full-text coverage of all business disciplines, including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy, and business theory and practice.
Data Axle Reference Solutions

Detailed records for millions of U.S. businesses and consumers. Conduct job searches; find sales leads, business opportunities and suppliers; locate out-of-town companies; track down addresses and phone numbers; and conduct market research.
Economics & Theory (Gale OneFile)

Journal and magazine articles focused on economics and related fields. A subset of Gale Power Search.