New Users Start Here
Learn how to access our digital collection in our Zoom class: Intro to Library eBooks and Streaming
- Find an ebook in our catalog or on our ebook/eaudiobook provider's website: OverDrive. (Kindle e-ink books are only available on OverDrive)
- Create an account using your library card number for OverDrive. Get a library card.
- Get the eReader app for your device
- Checked out titles appear immediately in each eReader app.
- You can checkout as many as 10 items at a time for each provider.
- The checkout time on most ebooks or audiobooks is 21 days. Digital materials do not automatically renew.
- Find help here.
- eMagazines can be found in our catalog, or on the Overdrive website or Libby app.
- Get the eReader app for your device.
- Titles are always available -- no wait times!
- eMagazines are checked out in the same manner as eBooks or eAudiobooks. The eMagazine counts as one of your 10 checkouts and can be checked out for up to 21 days. Digital materials do not automatically renew.
- Find help here.
Download the Apps
Name of App | iOS | Android | Amazon Fire | Nook |
Libby by OverDrive | Download Overdrive for iOS | Download Overdrive for Android | Download Overdrive for Amazon Fire | |
Visit the Overdrive website or our online catalog for Overdrive ebooks available for Kindle devices. Libby will offer you an option to read in the Libby app or if you would like the book downloaded to your Kindle device.
Need Help?
Contact Support or Maryland Digital eLibrary/OverDrive Help. If you get a new library card number and have holds on the old number, fill out the form for Overdrive Frontline Tech Support with your old and new card numbers.
Your account may be blocked from requesting or downloading digital materials if you have fines for lost items. Log in to your account to see details or pay online with SmartPay.
For other problems with digital resources, please contact us.
For Kids and Teens

Thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines are available to borrow right from your computer or mobile device. Download the Libby app or read on your Kindle.

TumbleBooks provides a streaming collection of animated, talking picture books that children can read or have read to them.