Babies in Bloom
Babies from birth to 18 months (with caring adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes and playtime while building early literacy skills. A great way to get to know other families in your community!
Babies from birth to 18 months (with caring adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes and playtime while building early literacy skills. A great way to get to know other families in your community!
Children ages 18 to 36 months (with caring adult) enjoy a variety of developmentally-appropriate stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities while building early literacy skills.
Children ages 18 to 36 months (with caring adult) enjoy a variety of developmentally-appropriate stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities while building early literacy skills.
Unleash your creativity at our Cardboard Crafternoon (in the Morning)! This is an encore event from the night before. Add onto what is already built or build your own creation.
Children ages three to five (with caring adult) build the early literacy skills needed for school readiness through engaging books, songs and activities.
Babies from birth to 18 months (with caring adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes and playtime while building early literacy skills. A great way to get to know other families in your community!
Children ages three to five (with caring adult) build the early literacy skills needed for school readiness through engaging books, songs and activities.
Children ages 18 to 36 months (with caring adult) enjoy a variety of developmentally-appropriate stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities while building early literacy skills.
Children ages 18 to 36 months (with caring adult) enjoy a variety of developmentally-appropriate stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities while building early literacy skills.
Babies from birth to 18 months (with caring adult) may enjoy books, music and a variety of developmentally appropriate toys during this hour of unstructured social time.
Children ages three to five (with caring adult) build the early literacy skills needed for school readiness through engaging books, songs and activities.
Children ages three to five (with caring adult) build the early literacy skills needed for school readiness through engaging books, songs and activities.
Children ages 18 to 36 months (with caring adult) enjoy a variety of developmentally-appropriate stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities while building early literacy skills.
Enjoy games, crafts, and other activities at Discoveries: The Library at the Mall during this monthly social event for adults. Everyone is welcome, so come join us to socialize and meet some new friends.
Talk with a volunteer lawyer for up to 20 minutes about your civil, non-family legal problem for free! Once you have signed up, you will be sent an intake sheet and instructions for meeting with the attorney. To register for an appointme
"Color Our World" crafts and activities to kickoff your summer reading adventure! Drop in anytime to register for the summer reading challenge and participate in activities all around the library.
This session is designed for families navigating the challenges of caring for a loved one with special needs.
Kick off your Summer @ Your Library challenge by coloring the library! Enjoy a chalk art party in the library courtyard, play games, and sign up for the Summer @ Your Library challenge.
"Color Our World" crafts and activities to start your summer reading adventure!
Join us for arts, crafts, games and more at our Art Palooza. Don't forget to sign up for the Summer @ Your Library Challenge while you're here!
Have you ever felt personally victimized by Regina George? Are you still trying to make fetch happen? Join us at Riviera Beach as we watch the original Mean Girls (PG-13; 2004)!
We cannot guarantee that food served at library programs has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.
Alergias Alimentarias: La Biblioteca no puede garantizar que la comida servida en los programas no ha estado en contacto con las nueces de árbol, la soya, u otros alérgenos.
Children ages three to five (with caring adult) build the early literacy skills needed for school readiness through engaging books, songs and activities.
Play chess and learn from other players. For all ages and skill levels.
Are you new to sewing? Did you know the library has machines you can use in the Maker Space? Receive instruction on basic techniques and skills for how to use sewing machines.
Learn more about the Juneteenth holiday during this special trivia night! Team up with friends or play solo.
This session is designed for families navigating the challenges of caring for a loved one with special needs.
Join a group of English and Spanish speakers to practice speaking either language in a fun and informal setting.
Knitters and crocheters of all skill levels are welcome at this monthly meeting. Bring your own project or use our materials to work on projects for charity.
Join us at Linthicum library for an introduction to Tarot!
We'll be talking about using tarot 'for life' - for self-reflection and spiritual guidance - by diving into its origins and structure.
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are available with advanced notice for library-sponsored programs. To schedule an interpreter, complete this request form at least one week prior to the event date. For questions, email