Teens (Ages 11+)Program Description
Event Details
Enjoy a tiny (no more than 2 hours) role-playing game at the library! In Honey Heist, you are a part of a dangerous gang of criminals who are planning to steal an absurd amount of honey... and you're a bear. You'll have to balance your criminal skills and your ursine nature to pull off this heist! Participants do not need previous RPG experience to play, just a sense of fun and a bear-y adventurous spirit! Make new friends and develop grr-eat heisting skills during this quick RPG.
Pizza and drinks will be provided. Space is limited; please register.
Food Allergies
We cannot guarantee that food served at library programs has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.
Alergias Alimentarias: La Biblioteca no puede garantizar que la comida servida en los programas no ha estado en contacto con las nueces de árbol, la soya, u otros alérgenos.