Teen Advisory Board Presents: Winter Movie Night

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Teens (Ages 11+)

Program Description

Event Details

Looking for a fun and cozy way to spend a cold winter night? Good news: this month our Teen Advisory Board will be hosting a Winter Movie Night. Enjoy hot chocolate and decorate some cookies while watching Frozen and hanging out with friends!

Want to become a Teen Advisory Board member and have a say in what fun event we host next? Read our description below:

Calling all teens! Do you have an awesome idea for an event you wish the library would host? Do you want to know more about how event planning at the library works? Or are you looking for a way to earn some service hours? Collaborate with your peers and library staff to plan and host events that interest YOU!

Note: This event was originally scheduled for January 7th, but was rescheduled due to library closings for inclement weather.


Food Allergies

We cannot guarantee that food served at library programs has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.

Alergias Alimentarias: La Biblioteca no puede garantizar que la comida servida en los programas no ha estado en contacto con las nueces de árbol, la soya, u otros alérgenos.

American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are available with advanced notice for library-sponsored programs. To schedule an interpreter, complete this request form at least one week prior to the event date. For questions, email programming@aacpl.net.