AdultsProgram Description
Event Details
Defend your favorite romance trope! Come prepared with a PowerPoint supporting your favorite plot device or build your slides before we begin. We'll help with some useful presentation and design tips. Grab a mocktail and snack, then enjoy the debate.
Register below for computer help. Sign up for a presentation spot when you arrive. Presentations begin at 6:30 pm. We'll make sure to collect everyone's recommendations and share them here afterwards.
UPDATE: This program has been rescheduled for Monday, March 24 at 6 pm.
Food Allergies
We cannot guarantee that food served at library programs has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens.
Alergias Alimentarias: La Biblioteca no puede garantizar que la comida servida en los programas no ha estado en contacto con las nueces de árbol, la soya, u otros alérgenos.
Walk-Ins Welcome
Registration helps us plan, but walk-ins are welcome when space is available.
Nos ayuda planear si se inscribe de antemano, pero puede entrar sin inscribirse si hay cupos disponibles.