Eco Adventures: Wild World of Colors

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Program Type:

Special Events, STEAM

Program Description

Summer @ Your Library (S@YL)

Event Details

Calling all wildlife artists! Join our Camo expert by choosing animal figures to put into our canvas and help create a wildlife masterpiece. Then poof! Watch them come to life!  Meet these live animals and investigate how certain animals can change color, hide themselves, make themselves known that they are dangerous or are masters of illusion and mimicry! Find out who is the friend or the foe and how animals are dependent on colors to survive!

Note: This presentation will include live animals - may include spiders and snakes.


Animal Waiver Form

Programs that involve interaction with animals require a signed Animal Waiver Form

Las programas que tienen interacción con animales requieren un formulario de exención de animales firmado.

American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are available with advanced notice for library-sponsored programs. To schedule an interpreter, complete this request form at least one week prior to the event date. For questions, email