Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor

By Brianna K., Meade Senior High School 

Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor is the sequel to the Strange the Dreamer duology. Taylor, in the beginning half of the novel, immediately addresses the cliff-hanger she left behind. Despite the huge progress made towards peace in the lost city of Weep, Lazlo and Sarai still have to persuade a woman-child to not continue in her plans for a massacre. On the other hand, Taylor delves deep into the truth behind what happens to all those children who were forcefully bred in the citadel. All the while a city continues to break itself apart with fear and uncertainty.  

All of the confessions and truths revealed in this sequel pulled at my heart strings and kept me captive along the way. Taylor inserted a new character and perspective which confused me at first, but then found itself falling right in place along with the rest of the story. The focus of the story removes itself from Lazlo which upset me, but this change did well to explore more of the characters and entice me into this expanding world. The love between Lazol and Sarai was still enjoyable and sweet to read, while other loves, as well, found new footholds. I appreciated how Lazlo stayed true to his morals, although his newfound powers seemed to instill a confidence within him that was fun to see.  

Overall, this novel was still fun and focused more on the past which made way for this long-lasting conflict plaguing everyone’s heart and mind now. 

Click here to check out Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor.

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