Mist, Metal, and Ash by Gwendolyn Clare

By Emily E., Annapolis High School 

Mist, Metal, and Ash is the final book in the Ink, Iron and Glass Duology. The book follows Elsa and her friends as they use their unique abilities and rush to save the world from a book that, when written in, can alter the world itself.  

I enjoyed the character development in this book greatly and I loved seeing the characters find themselves and figure out their purpose in life. There were also many twists and turns in the plot that made the book very unpredictable and exciting to read. I especially liked how the characters interacted. Their relationships were very realistic, and it was interesting to see how the time period affected social norms and how the characters connected.  

The thing I disliked the most about this book was the ending. While it wasn’t exactly a cliff hanger, it didn’t resolve parts of the plot I was hoping to see solved by the end. And even though the ending wasn’t what I hoped for, the exciting twists and turns of the rest of the book definitely made it worth it. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy and historical fiction since this book combines elements of both. I would also recommend it to readers who are interested and like reading about strong unique characters. This book contains some of my favorite characters and it’s impossible to stop wondering what is going to happen next once you begin the book. 

Click here to check out Mist, Metal, and Ash by Gwendolyn Clare

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