Five Total Strangers by Natalie D. Richards

By Audrey W., Crofton Middle School

Five Total Strangers by Natalie D. Richards is a thrilling suspense and horror fiction about a girl who trusted the wrong people. It's Christmas time, and when a bad blizzard hits, Mira's flight is canceled, and she has no way of getting home to her mom. Her seatmate from her previous flight, Harper, offers a ride and Mira accepts, without knowing of the dangers that lie ahead. Three others come along for the ride, more of Harper's friends. Mira begins to doubt her instincts and her decision. But when things begin to go missing, they soon realize that someone in the car is lying, sabotaging them. The blizzard hits, and with the dangers in and outside of the car, Mira must uncover the truth or she might not make it back home.

This book has unthinkable plot twists, and relatable emotions that connect the characters to the readers. It's the real-world definition of stranger-danger and lets the reader make their own prediction on which person is the sabotaged them. The imagery and dialogue were great and gave the reader a real feel about just how harrowing the conditions were for Mira and the others. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a great plot twist and being kept at the edge of your seat.

Click here to order Five Total Strangers by Natalie D. Richards.

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