Memory Labs @ Odenton Library and Busch Annapolis Library

Memory lab conversion equipment.

The Memory Labs at Odenton Library and the Busch Annapolis Library provide equipment for digitizing photos, photo negatives, slides, VHS tapes, audio cassette tapes, vinyl records, and Super 8/8mm reels. 

How It Works

  • Make an appointment to be trained by library staff: 
    • To make an appointment at the Odenton Library call (410) 222-6277. 
    • To make an appointment at the Busch Annapolis Library, register online at this link, or call the Busch Annapolis Library at (410) 222-1750. 
  • We’ll train you on the equipment of your choice. You’ll sign a release form and be authorized to use that equipment on your own.   
  • After you have completed your training session, schedule your work session (up to 60 days in advance). Walk-ins can sign up when they arrive if the equipment is available. 
  • Arrive for your work session and check in with library staff. We'll get out the equipment for you and you'll work on your project independently.

What To Bring


  • VHS cassettes 
  • Photos 
  • Slides 
  • Negatives 
  • Phonograph record 
  • Audio cassette 
  • Super 8/8mm Reels

Methods Of Saving

  • External hard drive 
  • USB flash drive 
  • Cloud Storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and others)

Personal Archiving Quick Tips

Take Care Of Your Physical Stuff

  • Handle with care! Use clean hands, keep away from food, and do not use paperclips, staples, rubber bands, or adhesives. 
  • Store in a cool, dry, and dark place where materials could come in contact with direct sunlight, moisture, pests, or temperature extremes. Think: a bedroom closet, not in the basement or attic. 
  • Use acid-free storage, store flat whenever possible.

Take Care Of Your Digital Stuff

  • Label files with consistent and descriptive file names and an organized folder directory. A good file name should include the date in YYYYMMDD format and the name of the event (ex: 20100913ophelia_wedding-001.jpg) 
  • Save in non-proprietary file types (ex: pdf, tiff, jpg, mov). 
  • Store files in three geographic locations (ex: laptop, external hard drive, the cloud)

Our Story

In 2017, the Division of Library Development and Services of the Maryland State Department of Education awarded the Odenton Library a grant to build an Innovation Lab, which was matched by the Anne Arundel County Repair and Renovation Funds. We closed off the room and added power and data to enhance the space for makerspace activities. This space is now known as our Creation Station. With funds generously donated to the Library Foundation, sewing machines and design tools to use in library programs. We also wanted to incorporate a meaningful addition for our customers, who we know to be interested in genealogy, storytelling, and history. Inspired by the DC Public Library’s Memory Lab, we decided to create our own. 

When the Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library opened in 2020, it included a Makerspace* so customers could learn and create using equipment they might not have at home. In addition to tools like sewing machines, button makers, and a Cricut Maker, the Makerspace houses our Memory Lab, where you can digitize old format media to see and hear your photo, video, and audio memories on current technology.  Since opening, and thanks to generous donations to the Library Foundation, we have been able to expand, adding additional equipment to the Makerspace and Memory Lab. 

*Appointments for Busch-Annapolis Library's Makerspace equipment (Sewing Machine, Button Maker, 3D Pens, Cricut Maker, Sprocket Photo Printer) are done through the same procedures for the Memory Lab listed above.