Seiya B. South River High
Mission: Yozakura Family Volume 11, written and illustrated by Hitsuji Gondaira, is an action-comedy manga that follows Taiyo, a teen who becomes a spy due to unexpected circumstances. In Volume 11, Taiyo decides to take the silver-ranked spy exam to gain access to more resources provided by the spy association. However, the exam doesn't go as planned when Taiyo discovers that his own family members are the ones proctoring it, and they make the test even more difficult for him. Despite the unexpected challenges, Taiyo's determination gets him through the exam.
My favorite character in the series is Goliath, the Yozakura family's pet guard dog. Although he's not a main character, Goliath's appearances in the background act as a fun comic relief. It's always fun to see Goliath in the background, whether he's chewing on the eldest sibling or using bad guys as chew toys he always livens up my day when I see him throughout the series. Personally this is one of my favorite manga series and I would recommend Mission: Yozakura Family to anyone who enjoys action or comedy manga since the series does a great job of keeping you engaged and on the edge of your seat.
Click here to check out Mission: Yozakura Family Volume 11 by Hitsuji Gondaira!