Five Total Strangers by Natalie D. Richards

By Miranda A., Severna Park High School 
This mystery book wasn't well done, it wasn't challenging. I want a mystery that I can figure out of course but I do not want a book where I can plainly see the culprit from the beginning. I understand it is hard to make a mystery book that has enough twists and turns to keep the audience captivated and even more so to be sneaky and keep them confused without giving the reader whiplash. 
Richards, however, achieved neither and I was not left at the edge of my seat wanting more. If you like mysteries that actually get you excited and are puzzles for the mind, this book is not for you. If you like mysteries a little more relaxed where you will find the answer long before the end of the book then dive in. 
I have nothing against her writing but this book did not appeal to me as I was not satisfied with the mystery she made. The characters and open scenes had much potential, it was unfortunate to see their in-depth backgrounds wasted because no matter how many plot lines a character could have, if the villain is plain to see, the planning of other characters falls apart. Richards tried to put too many complicated things into this book and it just didn't work. 
Click here to check out Five Total Strangers by Natalie D. Richards 

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